
Klaus-Hasso Heller


Klaus-Hasso Heller

born September 26th, 1967 Hameln

graduation from Jugenddorf-Christopherus-School, Elze (Abitur)

1986 – 1987
military service

1987 – 1994
studies in both, engineering and business administration at the University of Paderborn  with a dual degree in engineering and business administration

1994 – 1997
sales engineer with Zimmer AG, Frankfurt

1997 – 1999
project manager, sales engineer at IMS Morath Soehne GmbH, Donaueschingen

1999 – 2000
management intern at Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Aerzen

Since 2000
CEO of Aerzener Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Aerzen
CEO of other companies of the "Aerzen Group of Companies"

in 2005
founder of the african-rainbow foundation